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Home office brings advantages for both, employees and employers:

For employeesFor employers
better compatibility for work and familymore productivity
less time spent driving to work

less contact with sick people
⇒ less risk of infection
⇒ fewer absences
more productivityless office costs
More pleasant work
⇒ less stress
⇒ better resilience
Recruit from anywhere in the world
⇒ obtaining top talents
⇒ less personnel costs
Better distribute working time throughout the day
Save money for transportation, food, etc

According to a study by DAK, the majority of respondents are more productive in the home office and almost 70% of them enjoy having more time because they don’t have to travel to work. Almost 30% experience less stress during the day than they typically do at work (“DAK special analysis examines health aspects and work-life balance in the corona crisis” (2020), last accessed Sept 9th, 2020).

Thinking further…

Moreover, the home office is good for the environment. Just imagine if the number of cars with people driving to work were suddenly reduced to a minimum.

Employees could also live anywhere – e.g. cheaper in the countryside, escaping rising rent prices in the cities while at the same time bringing abandoned areas back to life.

Mothers and fathers from rural areas often complain that nearly all their children move away. Even that would not be necessary anymore.

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