Compensation and prices

As of: March 20th 2022

This compensation and price list is part of the Authors’ Agreement of the New Leaders! Academy.

1. Compensation for Online Offers

The author shall receive the following remuneration for the publication of his/her online offers in accordance with the Authors’ Agreement:

“Do-it-yourself Model”

In the “Do-it-yourself Model” the content is provided by the author and the participants are mentored by the author.

The author receives 70% of the net revenues generated by the New Leaders! Academy with the sale of an online course or virtual coaching, provided that

  • the corresponding online course or virtual coaching was created by the author independently and completely in the New Leaders! LMS (Learning Management System), and
  • the author mentors the participants of the online course or virtual coaching, i.e. responds to questions and contributions in the New Leaders! Academy forum or a Facebook group of his/her course or coaching and holds video/telephone conferences etc. related to the course or coaching.

“Supervision Model”

In the “Supervision Model” the content is provided by the author and the New Leaders! Academy. The participants are mentored by the author.

The author receives a percentage of the net revenue generated by the New Leaders! Academy with the sale of a course on the basis of the criteria explained below*, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • The author provides the content (e.g. book/texts, images, audio recordings, or videos) in a preliminary version, which is revised and integrated by New Leaders! Academy into the New Leaders! LMS (Learning Management System).
  • The author provides full mentoring to the participants (i.e. he/she responds to questions and posts in the New Leaders!  Academy Forum or a Facebook group of his/her course and holds video/teleconferences, etc. related to the course.)

“Full-Service Model”

In the “Full-Service Model”, the author provides content that is completely adapted and transformed into an online course by the New Leaders! Academy. The mentoring of the participants is also taken over by the New Leaders! Academy.

The author receives 10% of the revenue generated by the New Leaders! Academy with the sale of a course, if the following conditions are met:

  • The author provides his/her name and content in unedited form (e.g. a script, book, images, audio recordings, and/or videos).
  • The New Leaders! Academy creates an online course out of it and additionally takes over the complete mentoring of the participants.

* = In the “Supervision Model “, the percentage of the remuneration is based on the amount of work performed by the New Leaders! Academy. Before the work starts, the New Leaders! Academy provides a cost estimate. The basis of the calculation is the suitability of the content provided (book/texts, images, sound recordings, or videos) for use as an online course. The New Leaders! Academy edits the content in such a way that it is suitable for use as an online course.

The respective percentage of compensation will be agreed upon in the “Supervision model” prior to the start of the implementation based on the cost estimate and will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  1. Scope, completeness and clarity of the content provided
  2. Suitability of the content as an online course

2. Additional Remuneration for self-recruited Participants

The author receives for each participant he/she has recruited for his/her own course or coaching via the “invitation function” within the New Leaders! Academy platform for his/her course or coaching, an additional 10% of the net sales generated by these participants in his/her own courses.

3. Basic fee

Each author offering online courses, coaching sessions, or live offers via the “Do-it-yourself Model” on the New Leaders! Academy platform shall pay a monthly basic fee of EUR 132 (plus VAT) to the New Leaders! Academy. This fee is waived for authors who act exclusively as co-authors. The claim of the New Leaders! Academy to the basic fee begins on the day of signing the authors’ agreement.

To the extent that 30% of the net revenue generated by his/her online offerings on the New Leaders! Academy platform exceeds this amount, the basic fee shall not be charged, but shall be offset against the share of the New Leaders! Academy in the amount of 30% of the net revenue for this model.

The payment of the commission claim in the amount of 70% of the net revenue for his/her online offer within the “Do-it-yourself Model” will be made monthly to the PayPal account of the author. The basic fees to be paid by the author for the first 3 months totaling 396 EUR (plus VAT) shall only become due for payment at the beginning of the 4th month after the signing of the authors’ agreement. Thereafter, the basic fee will be invoiced on a monthly basis.

In addition to the services described in the contract, this basic fee includes free use of the online course “Creating awesome Online Courses”. The basic fee also includes the participation in the author meetings as well as 4 x 30-minute individual Q & A video meetings (available for each course you create as an author). In this Q & A video meetings you can ask any questions relating to the structure and content of the courses as well as about the usage of the New Leaders! LMS (Learning Management System). You can book your  individual Q&A video meetings in an online calendar which we created exclusively for this purpose. Also, you can book further video meetings with New Leaders! Academy staff for 60 EUR for each additional half hour.

If the first course of the author(s) has not been booked by any user within the first 3 months after publication on the New Leaders! Academy platform the claim of the New Leaders! Academy will be reduced to 32 EUR per month from the 4th month for each month in which the course is not booked for payment. If the author offers further courses on the New Leaders! Academy that are booked by users on a paid basis, the monthly basic fee must be paid in full. For authors of the “Supervision Model” and the “Full-Service Model”, the basic fee is waived, as this is covered by the share for the New Leaders! Academy.

4. Prices for optional additional Services

Upload Service

Who is it for: Authors who opt for the “Do-it-yourself Model” and have already created fully edited content (texts, videos, podcasts) that is suitable for an online course.

Service: Upload and submission of the content (texts, complete audio recordings and fully edited videos) by the New Leaders! Academy to the New Leaders! LMS (Learning Management System).

Costs: The costs depend on the type and scope of the work to be done. The New Leaders! Academy will provide a cost estimate in each case. The hourly rate for this service is 120 EUR/hour plus VAT.

Duplicate courses

The author tells us the name of the course to be duplicated.
Service: The New Leaders! Academy copies the course including all images, texts and tests. 1:1 and transfers it to the author.

Costs: The costs depend on the type and extent of the work to be done. The New Leaders! Academy will provide a cost estimate for each project. The hourly rate for this service is 120 EUR/hour plus VAT. A cost estimate will be provided in each case.

The author changes at least the title of the course and the content of the course overview page (incl. thumbnails) and optionally additionally everything within the course (texts, images, structure, tests).

PDF viewer with scrolling function and optimized view

The author uploads a PDF file to his/her media overview in the New Leaders! Academy to upload a PDF file.

Service: The New Leaders! Academy generates a PDF viewer page with scrolling function and optimized view.

Example: look here

Cost: 29 € per PDF

Dubbing / Video Shooting

For the professional dubbing of course content and support in creating or editing videos, the New Leaders! Academy will suggest suitable experts or agencies and, if desired, arrange for them. The price for this will then be estimated by the respective service providers.

Last update: September 1st, 2021

Author’s agreement – PRINT (PDF)

Author’s agreement – FORM (PDF)

How can I sign / add a signature? Read HowTo

Instead of a digital signature, it is also possible to print out the contract twice and send both copies signed to the following address (you will receive one copy countersigned by us):
Sabine Bredemeyer
New Leaders! Academy GbR
Westhoyeler Str. 23B
49328 Melle

Compensation & prices (PDF)